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8 marzo 2021, dal Rojava contro il patriarcato (video).

Immagine del redattore: LE MALETESTELE MALETESTE

«Questa canzone è dedicata a tutte le donne che hanno resistito, resistono e resisteranno al patriarcato. Per la rivoluzione delle donne che abbiamo già iniziato, continueremo a combattere. Non possono fermarci».

Così inizia il video che le donne internazionaliste in Rojava hanno creato per l'8 marzo 2021, dedicato a tutte le donne del mondo, perché ognun* si liberi definitivamente del patriarcato.

Il titolo originale è "Ballem" (Balliamo/Let's Dance), ed è stato scritto e cantato in 4 lingue: catalano, spagnolo, curdo e tedesco.


TESTO originale

Esta canción va dedicada a todas las mujeres que han resistido, resisten y resistiran al patriarcado. Por la revolución de las mujeres que ya hemos empezado. Seguiremos luchando. Ya no nos podrán parar. Arrels creixen, les nostres ancestres. Generacions de dones en resistència. Llavors deixen, per les que vénen; la mare, l'àvia, la germana i ella. La història és viva però ells l'amaguen. Ens tenen por, per això ens cremaven. Però el que no saben és que som foc, la flama encesa que mai no mor. BALLEM! FEM CERCLES DE BRUIXES. RECUPEREM CONEIXEMENTS ROBATS. ORGANITZEM-NOS! SOM FORTES JUNTES. ALLIBEREM-NOS DEL PATRIARCAT. Wir gehen fragend, denn der Weg ist der Weg wenn wir sehn Unsre Kämpfe sind Antworten die entstehn während wir gehn Struggles united, grenzenlos Widerstand ist Leben, our resistance grows! Und ja wir sind viele, und wir sind überall In den Städten, in den Wäldern, in den Dörfern, Heval Ein Lachen, ein Flüstern, eine sternenklare Nacht, Witches united, haben ein Feuer entfacht! Naciendo, deshaciendo recuerdos que nos refugian y protegen, como aves, vuelan pensamientos, libertad, sororidad, desde Rojava hasta el final! Compañeras de dolor, de ilusión, de corazón. Somos, más fuertes bajo la luna, somos, la brisa, la misma, el rayo, me levanto, te comparto, luchamos, y al final... ganamos! BALLEM! FEM CERCLES DE BRUIXES. RECUPEREM CONEIXEMENTS ROBATS. ORGANITZEM-NOS! SOM FORTES JUNTES. ALLIBEREM-NOS DEL PATRIARCAT. Llancem espurnes d'autodefensa, com fèiem sempre en l'adolescència. Si a una toquen responem totes! Ens volem vives! La nit és nostra! Bi rewaya mafê jiyanê Biqîrin hemû jinên cîhanê Bihevre dest bi dest Jinên berxwedêr Binvîsin destana hebûna xwe Jin piştgira jinê be Ji himbêza dayikê Ta asoyê zankoyê Jin jiyan azadî!

TESTO inglese

This song is dedicated to all the women who have resisted, resist and will resist patriarchy. For the women's revolution which we have already begun, we will keep on fighting, now they cannot stop us. Roots growing, our ancestry, generations of women in resistance, seeds left, for those who come next, the mother, the grandma, the sister and herself. History is alive, but they hide it. They fear us, for this they burnt us. But what they dont know is that we are fire, the burning flame which never dies. LET'S DANCE! LET'S MAKE WITCHES CIRCLES WE WILL RECUPERATE STOLEN KNOWLEDGE. LET'S ORGANIZE, WE ARE STRONG TOGETHER, WE WILL LIBERATE OURSELVES FROM PATRIARCHY! Questioning we walk, because the way is the way when we see Our struggles are answers evolving whilst we walk Struggles united, borderless! Resistance is life, our resistance grows! And yes, we are many and we are everywhere In the cities, in the forests, in the villages, heval A laughter, a whisper, a starlit night Witches united, lighted a fire! Giving birth and also undoing, memories which act as refuge and protect us like birds, they fly, thoughts, freedom, sorority, from Rojava until the end. Comrades of pain, of hope, of heart we are stronger under the moon we are the same, the wind, lightning, i stand up, i share, we fight and in the end... we win. CHORUS We throw sparks of self-defence, like we always did in our youth, if they touch one of us, we will all respond! We want us alive! The night is ours! With the legitimacy of the right to life All women of the world are shouting Together, hand in hand Women in resistance Writing the story of their existance! Women support each other From the embrace of a mother To the horizon of knowledge Jin Jiyan Azadî [Woman Life Freedom]!


LE MALETESTE   2018-2022
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